More Than Just a Business!
About Us est. 3/10/2022 #hopeforaiden 14th birthday…
This kinda all started when Aiden was an infant knowing something wasn’t right. The wonderful Dr at the time suggested holding off on jabs because of their possible ties with autism.
Dazeddragons is very special to me. I was laid off in March 2020. I spent 17 months chasing a job, it’s not my passion. I found a job, they love me, again not my passion. My passion is natural herbs and healing not only the body but the mind as well.
I was diagnosed with DDD at the age of 32, Aiden was on the way but not here yet. So from 2008 to 2016 I was in pain management. I felt like shit constantly, the meds didn’t help much but I sure liked to take them. Finally after a nice scare, a car accident and a felony dui charge, later dismissed, I began searching for natural pain killers. I believe my exact google search was natural oxy and I found kratom. Not only has kratom helped my pain levels more than any amount of synthetic pain killer, it has been a great tool in helping my mental state as well.
So with time on my hands I researched allot about natural healing. Allot of what I read kept referring to tincture extraction. I began making tinctures last spring. My sons birthday, He means the world to me. #hopeforaiden has helped give me the strength to make it this far. The challenges I constantly see him going through makes me so much more humble of the simple tasks I do like walking and talking. All of his vitamins are given via tincture with his breakfast. We do not take over the counter vitamins we get them from plants.
So Dazeddragons was founded so hopefully one day, I can dedicate my time to him and running my own business. This website and everything that stems from it is dedicated to my children, Savannah Corrin and Aiden Reily